Can I Protect My Job If I Report My Employer for Illegal Activities?
Tags: Retaliation Protected Activities Wrongful Termination Defamation
Can I Report Illegal Activities by My Employer Without Getting Fired? This is one of those questions that have the ideal-legal answer and a more practical, real life response. Under the law, you have a right to report an employer's illegal activities without fear of retaliation. That's the ideal under the law. But in real life, if you discover that your employer is engaged in unlawful activities, then repoting your employer could put your job at risk, and you may face retaliation from your employer. Keep in mind that your employer is likely not stupid enough to tell you that the reason you're being termianted is because you engaged in a protected activity such as reporting illegal acts. Instead, what your employer will do is terminate you for some other reason--any other reason, incluidng no reason. While this doesn't stop them from wronfully terminating you--and it certainly won't prevent you from filing a retaliation/wrongful termiantion case.